Jose's Thoughts

Review of the Lakeland Outpouring

By J. Gomez
What has been going on in Lakeland? Have people been getting healed and raised from the dead? Apparently, it all falls apart under scrutiny and people are hurt in the process.

I believe that God frequently does great things with people. Most of the time, as in scripture, he does it with the person you would least expect. So, I know that He is in the business of doing miracles. But, there is just something about how our Christian culture exaggerates and sensationalizes everything that just takes the fun out of being a believer. I want to take few moments of your time to rant a little about the Lakeland "Outpouring" that has recently blown up in the face of Fresh Fire Ministries. I had several people approach me months ago asking my opinion about what was going on there, and I am sad to see that my predictions were correct.

Let's establish a few things

Crowds are almost always led by people who everyone perceives to be bigger than them. This could mean the person is more intellectual, or stronger, or richer, or more charismatic. In the case of most churches, it is usually the person with the most theological understanding or the one the powers-that-be placed in authority. But, something must make that person stand out from the rest in order for others to truly follow him. It's like that in the world - and you can bet that it is like that in the church.

Weak people are led by people they perceive to be stronger. This is why people who feel they have a pastoral calling can't just sit under someone else's leadership. They aren't impressed by people LIKE them. They need someone bigger and stronger - which is a real problem when you think no one is stronger or more spiritual than you.

But, the point we miss is so critical that ignorance of it has single handedly created situations like the Lakeland dog-and-pony show. Obliviousness of this point has led to the development of religions, philosophies, spaceship cults, and mass suicides. Let me lay it on you in as few words as possible:

We are all equally human.

Somehow, when people start claiming they speak to angels every day, or that hundreds of people are being healed and raised form the dead, we forget that. We forget to ask for proof - to use the intellectual muscles God has given us to discern what is true. We spiritualize things by claiming that "some things just cannot be understood with human logic." Yet, I have failed to find anything in the Word that falls in that category. Are we to question God Himself? I think that the final chapters of Job pretty much answer that question. But, the bigger question is as follows:

What human being is beyond questioning?

In Catholicism, it is believed that the Pope cannot be questioned in matters of doctrine. In protestant churches, someone sits at the top unquestioned. Maybe it's your senior pastor who boldly states that if you disagree with the doctrine of his church, you should leave. But, I have seen more harm than good done in the name of "not touching God's anointed". It is an unbiblical stance that spits in the face of Jesus' accountability teachings. None of us are Moses - we are not "the" prophets of anything. But, we are all kings and priests in the Kingdom of Heaven. We have the obligation to maintain that Kingdom and demand that it be preserved from lies, exaggerations, and slander.

It's interesting to see people come to the defense of Todd Bentley. It was interesting to see the same when Randy and Paula White came forward with their issues. But, I will continue to hold the position that they are not to blame for this - it is the fault of the system we allow to exist. They are human beings like you and me, unworthy to be followed by anyone. This is why Jesus specifically commands his followers to "call no man teacher", "father", or "master". We can all learn from each other, and that is the essence of what early Christianity was based on. Jesus passed his teachings to the disciples. The disciples were to get the Good News out and set people free from religion, guilt, shame, and suffering. They did that. Yet, we are still running around looking for miracles, sign, wonders, healings, outpouring, revivals, church growth, financial blessings, visionary leadership, CD-quality worship music, and everything else we have been conned into believing for.

God clearly states in His word that the miracles and signs start with YOU and ME. I've got news for you - God doesn't heal everyone who asks and believes for it. He lets some of them die of the diseases they suffer from. Pastors who have served churches for 40, 50, 60 years still die painful deaths from cancer, leukemia, aids, and every other disease people die of. But, we are expected by Him to trust that He knows what is best for this world. Revival and outpouring starts in your own heart, not in a stadium. It cannot be contained or manufactured. The REAL church needs no growth strategies beyond truly BEING the Church. Financial prosperity comes from seizing the moment and taking every opportunity and risk you can to build your future - not tithing your money away or throwing it at Eddie Long's feet. Visionary leadership is nothing but a group of people who are more confident, stronger, or faster than you pitching you their life goals and convincing you to help them fulfill them. People who exert spiritual authority over you are people YOU have allowed to do so.

When did we relinquish our freedoms and obligations as Christians? When did we start chasing miracle workers instead of turn to God Himself for the healings? When did we come ignorant of who we are as believers and what is necessary to connect to God?

The answer is simple. We start chasing alternatives when we give up on pursuing God's purpose in our own lives ourselves. We give up on asking God directly, believing that someone asking on our behalf might have enough pull to get what we want from Him. But, the sad reality is that for all of the claims Todd made of healings and resurrections, he has failed to prove even one. The world had to call him to account because the true Church was too distracted and spineless to do it. We are too busy searching for excuses to defend him in the name of "anointing" and "callings".

Maybe if we stopped spending our time passing the offering plate around we'd see that there are things in our lives we need to deal with RIGHT NOW. People who are in the limelight usually have some big demons to wrestle with. None of us belongs in the place of Christ, and none of us should ever allow someone to be presumptuous enough to take that place either. We are lights under bushels, the covered lamps shining so dimly on the world that they have grown weary and impatient of our broken promises and conflicting theologies.

How about a revival of wisdom, understanding, and common sense? How about healing and prayer services that plead with God that He save His people from ignorance, stupidity, and self promotion? I believe that God is doing just that within the emerging church. We are tired of tolerating the darkness in our midst and we are finally gaining the courage to stand against it. But, we have got to start in our churches and ministries. We have to start chasing wolves away and strengthening those who are weak. Not with ridiculous prosperity messages preached by broke pastors who make their money from promising riches to those who give, but by passing on wisdom and defending the honor and innocence of the Bride of Christ. Let's stop creating more celebrities - we already have One whose act is impossible to follow.

Visitor Comments (1)

"Nothing New'''

I am one who has not successfully joined a church since my at-home "choose life or die" conversion beginning in 2001. I was not able for about a year to try to find a church, it took that long for repentence and healing & knowing beyond doubt that Christ is who He says He is. But I did follow several tv ministries that appeared to a part of that conversion & Bible study and worship. I had my heart broken at one church and just never fit in anywhere. Always, my personal experiences& fruit of the unending love of God, were my point of reference. I loved charismatic worship & the move of the Holy Spirit; but also found that it was mixed with spirits of confusion & even chaos. A bit like being drawn & lifted up & then finding myself thrown down & exhausted. About a year ago, I gave up trying to "church" and recently did on-line checks of ministries (especially finances) & decided to let those go, too. Ah, peace. And, now, the Lord is drawing me as close as when it all began & His true ministry continues. I appreciate finding this website, and the humble truths within and you appear to have no self-serving agenda. God bless & keep all who enter here.

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