Jose's Thoughts
Jose is a former pastor with years of theological training and study. But, he loves to learn the view points of other people knowing that the Holy Spirit works His best through the Body and not any one individual. He chose to unplug due to the his complete disgust at how the institutional church uses people to accomplish the goals of its leaders. He loves to study the Bible and find the hidden gems that are in its pages.

It is time to begin implementing the changes we know are necessary. After speaking with church leaders and brothers in the faith, it is evident that God is pointing us back to His Word to resurrect something. But, what can we do today to begin this evolution?
What happens when millions of Christians around the world begin to stand up on their seats during church services and ask their church leaders one of the most simple yet profound questions any believer can ask?
Is the current commercial church and being unplugged compatible? Can we find a way to reconcile the two? Why do people who are unplugged insist on being so critical of the institution? Here is why I think the two cannot coexist.
How in the world are we supposed to BE the Church with so many excuses floating around!? I would like to discuss some of the most common excuses for not unplugging from commercial Christianity, and to provide you with some encouragement to help you get rid of them.
When the going gets tough, it's hard to make it through without a close group of friends that you can love and be loved by. But, all that means nothing if you forget to make honesty a number one priority in your relationships. There's nothing worse than realizing that the person your friends and family love is not really who you are.
Do you truly believe in what Jesus defined as the Church? It's not a place or an institution, but a living, breathing group of people that love God and serve Him with their lives. Discover what He meant by building the Church.
There is a big difference between structures and frameworks. The Bible defines Christianity as a framework for relationships as opposed to a rigid organization structure that is used to control people and resources for the benefit of a small group.
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