Unplugged Blogs

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It is time to begin implementing the changes we know are necessary. After speaking with church leaders and brothers in the faith, it is evident that God is pointing us back to His Word to resurrect something. But, what can we do today to begin this evolution?
Ever felt you didn't know where you were going? But at the same time you felt God was leading you somewhere? My thoughts explain how I have been feeling recently during my Christian walk.
As a follow up to the "Transformers" article here are some more of my thoughts on always being under construction and a few things that may hinder that construction.
Most of us have prayed out of convenience without realizing the power our prayers have. It does take discipline but it's necessary. That's why we must pray without ceasing and always give thanks. 1Thes 5:17,18
When we think about 'Transformers' some of us think about the cartoon and movie about the cars that turn into robots. Well at least I do. I guess that was part of my childhood memories. But what does being a 'Transformer' have to do with helping us grow spiritually and know the "Will of God"? Here are my thoughts.
What happens when millions of Christians around the world begin to stand up on their seats during church services and ask their church leaders one of the most simple yet profound questions any believer can ask?
No, I'm not going anywhere. I just want to really say "Thank You" to the whole unplugged group and to all who have been there through the struggles. All of you have really been important in my life and I wanted all of you to know how much I appreciate you.
We all want to be happy but sometimes struggle finding it. I recently started to wonder about this in my own life. Here are my thoughts on this topic.
Is the current commercial church and being unplugged compatible? Can we find a way to reconcile the two? Why do people who are unplugged insist on being so critical of the institution? Here is why I think the two cannot coexist.
In our group discussions on worship and my own studies I concluded what worship was to me. Here are my thoughts on true worship.
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